The Coordination Committee is invested with the broadest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary administration of the Association and for the development of the “Columban Way”. The Committee also:
a) implements the Association’s programme in conformity with the general directives of the Assembly of Members and in particular with the Action Plan approved by the latter;
b) sees to the implementation of the resolutions of the Members’ Assembly; c) draws up a strategy and an action plan, both short and long term, to be updated annually, for the development of the cultural itinerary to be submitted for approval by the Assembly
d) decides on the admission of members;
e) decides on the exclusion of members on the basis of Article 8 above;
f) prepares the final balance sheet and the budget;
g) appoint the General Secretary and the Treasurer and determine their remuneration and reimbursement of expenses.
The Coordination Committee, without prejudice to the Assembly’s competence to appoint the Scientific Committee, may set up Sub-Committees with a technical-operational support role, if useful to increase the Association’s operativeness, and determine their areas of operation in a set of Operating Rules.
The Coordination Committee consists of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members elected by the Assembly.
The Coordination Committee’s term of office is three (3) years from its establishment.
Il Presidente ed il Vice-President of the Association are also President and Vice-President of the Coordination Committee and are additional to the members of the Coordination Committee.
The Committee is chaired by the President or in his absence or impediment by the Vice-President.