The European Association of the  Columban Way  has an international and interdisciplinary Scientific Committee composed of well-known scholars of Columbanus and his legacy. It is composed of experts on the figure of St. Columbanus in a minimum number of three members, in addition to the President of the Association and is appointed by the Assembly.
The members of the Scientific Committee remain in office for the fixed term at the time of appointment and in any case for no more than three years and may be reconfirmed. The members of the Scientific Committee, in the event of resignation, permanent impediment or death, are replaced by the Assembly for the remaining period of their office. The Scientific Committee has the powers and carries out the tasks of study and historical-scientific research that are conferred on it by the Assembly.
The Scientific Committee is chaired by the President of the Association or by another person designated by him.
The Scientific Committee meets at least once a year and may be convened whenever the President deems it appropriate or at the reasoned request of at least one third of the members of the Committee.
The activity of the Scientific Committee strictly adheres to the fundamental principles of the Council of Europe expressed in the development of its Cultural Routes and involving the implementation of human rights, cultural democracy, cultural diversity and identity, dialogue, mutual exchange and enrichment across different borders and eras.
The Committee will promote initiatives that are of interest to academic scholars, cultural mediators, cultural associations, teachers and students as well as elected representatives, regional development project operators and politicians, who together create European networks.
The aims of the Scientific Committee include:

  1. Above all, to advise the Association in the development of understanding of all aspects of the Cultural Route: in the development and promotion of educational materials, the study and management of historical sites, the preservation of memory, the development of tourism, the collection and storage of documents, and in all other actions and goals of the Association that require particular expertise, whether of a scientific, cultural or economic nature;
  2. To promote dialogue among experts in the study of themes related to Columbanus and his cultural heritage;
  3. To promote the realization of multidisciplinary research requiring international co-operation and to promote its discussion and publication;
  4. To encourage the participation of members in the work of relevant international organizations;
  5. To facilitate the collection and publication of data and documentation in and between all member organisations;
  6. To participate in any other appropriate form of international co-operation with the object of advancing the study and application of the Association’s aims;
  7. To promote the professionalisation / standardisation / compatibility of methods, naming conventions and symbology that are employed in the study of themes related to Columbanus;
  8. As a general civic aim, to render more visible, tangible and understandable the common cultural identity of the citizens of Europe;
  9. To give meaning to the notion of travel along a physical Route or Routes, to the notion of ‘pilgirmage’ of whatever nature (religious, cultural, educational, sporting, or other), by advising on the nature of these routes, in line with historic precedent, cultural interest or according to other criteria;       
  10. To demonstrate, by means of such journeys through space and time, how the heritage of the different countries and cultures of Europe have contributed to a shared cultural heritage;
  11. To promote policies for disseminating information and fostering increased awareness, especially by the use of modern communication and promotion techniques, aimed in particular at:
    a) awakening or increasing public interest, as from school-age, in the protection of the heritage, the quality of the built environment and architecture;
    b) demonstrating the unity of the cultural heritage and the links that exist between architecture, the arts, popular traditions and ways of life at European, national and regional levels alike.