

Nocetum, for years a place of spirituality, welcome and sharing, is located in Cascina Corte Saint Jacob, south of Milan. Within the Valley of the Monks, bordering the Vettabbia Park, established Punto Parco Agricolo Sud Milano in 2006 and later Porta del Parco Agricolo Sud Milano by the Province of Milan (June 2010), Nocetum occupies a strategic position between the dense city and the rural urban setting. The Nocetum Association was founded in 1998 by Sister Ancilla Beretta, who immediately became its president, Gloria Mari and a group of lay volunteers. Then in 2010 some of the workers of the Association of the same name decided to establish Nocetum Società Cooperativa Sociale in order to respond in a more structured way to the needs of the people in difficulty encountered and to the promotion of the area. The Cooperative in the pursuit of the mission for its actions is inspired by the ethical-religious values and social solidarity that founded the Nocetum Association and maintains close working relationships with the latter, even in the division of tasks.

On July 9, 2012, Cardinal Angelo Scola, Archbishop of the Diocese of Milan, also recognized the Nocetum Community, to which consecrated women and some lay people belong, as a Private Association of the faithful. Nocetum, which was born as a Christian reality, welcomes an Educational Community for women in situations of hardship and social fragility and their children. In addition to the shelter, Nocetum organizes didactic-educational courses for schools and groups, volunteer activities and initiatives to promote integration and social cohesion in the area. Since 2016, La Cuisine of Nocetum has been active, a catering service with particular attention to the origin of the products and their genuineness, designed to promote the employment of disadvantaged women and beyond.

Nocetum is also a promoter of projects and activities aimed at enhancing the territory. The current Borgo Nocetum, built on the historical legacy of the Church of Saints Philip and James and the Cascina Corte Saint James, has been transformed in the last two decades into a living reality of social integration for the communities of the southern suburbs of Milan. Alongside its specific values, Nocetum has also taken on a role over time with regard to the nearby Vettabbia Park and the South Milan Agricultural Park” as a driver of cultural initiatives to be shared with the many associations and businesses in the area, whose active cooperation it always seeks. 

 Over time, a solid unity of intent has thus been formed among a plurality of subjects who have increasingly identified themselves with their vocational territory, now commonly called “Valley of the Monks” (, whose “slopes”, actually of modest slope, have accompanied since the time of Milan, when it was the capital of the Roman Empire, the waters of the Cavo della Vettabbia from the city center to the Lambro and the Po.

via San Dionigi 77
20139 Milano
Tel. 02 55230575

visit website:
Secretariat: Marta Campostano
tel. +39.02.55230575 – fax +39. 02.36.562.427
Press and Communication Office: Maria Vittoria Gatti – cellphone 3294219258

It is possible to find the stamp of the credential inside the Church of Saints Philip and James, next to the bulletin board, at the entrance.
The Church is open every day from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm.